Zumba Classes Newcastle

Zumba - Face2face & Live Online


Wed 8-9pm - Online

Sat  9-10 am -  face2face South Gosforth 


 TASTER £6.50 Online/Inperson classes:


Come and join the party at my Zumba class
Something wonderful happens when you move to music – you start to feel good, feel more confident and as a result have more energy! What’s not to love?

There is no right or wrong way at Zumba, it’s just about moving and having fun to the music. If you have never done Zumba before, or have in the past, this class will work for you. Debbie’s simple style and enthusiasm will soon have you moving to the music.

Testimonial – Dona says she loves Zumba because it feels like a party rather than exercise. It is a fun motivating workout with a great vibe.

Zumba Classes Newcastle


"Dona says she loves Zumba because it feels like a party rather than exercise. It is a fun motivating workout with a great vibe."

Zumba Classes Newcastle

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